


Today I argued with a parent in a white van over him trying to park on the double yellow lines right opposite the school gate.
I stood on the very edge of the pavement as he was trying to mount the kerb. It pisses me off. Why do some parents think the rules don't apply to them? I stopped him from parking right in front of the gate but all he did was drive obnoxiously close to me and park on the double yellows a few yards further up.

Today has not been a good day, mood-wise. This week I feel like I've been slipping backwards. I'm tense and snappy, my chest is tight and I'm close to tears. I cried at the end of Zoom singing. I didn't mean to, but a whole bunch of worry and insecurity came bubbling up without warning. E said to me a couple of weeks ago 'Mummy, why don't you laugh much any more?' and that made me feel incredibly sad and guilty. I think it's the feeling of having no control over anything at the moment, not knowing what the next few weeks will bring. I got asked to rejoin the death certification team which looks likely to be restarting soon, but one of the consultants in my department, without my knowledge or consent tried to 'volunteer' me for the covid wards, which I was not happy about. I haven't done ward- based medicine in more than 6 years so would need a lot of re-skilling, but I know what to do on the DC squad. So I'm waiting to hear what's happening with that.
I don't think I cope very well with unexpected change and uncertainty. I'd like to be one of those people who can go with the flow but paradoxically I can only do that if unscheduled time is factored into my schedule.. I am so easily overwhelmed at the moment.
Biscuits are starting to creep back in...

Good things today - proud of G for his starring role as the turnip-pulling farmer in their school's virtual harvest festival assembly. Puttanesca soup - basically just puttanesca pasta sauce, blended, thinned out a bit and slurped from a warm bowl hugged close to my chest. Thank you, Jack Monroe . It was a hot, spicy, salty, fishy comfort blanket on a crappy day.

12:04 a.m. - 2020-10-23


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