

out of this world, man...

its raining annoyingly, like half heartedly. get your act together, rain!

today hasnt been a bad day, as days go. the sun rose, which is always a good thing, and they had croissants at breakfast, which was an even better thing. i think i forgot to reclean my teeth though, which wasn't so good. after not doing work then doing work, i decided to go into town to get things for emma and katie's birthdays, and as the buses were every half hour and i was too impatient to wait, i walked to the photo shop, missed the next bus, walked a bit further, until before i knew it i'd walked all the way down smithdown road to the bit where i can never remember which way to go, so i caught the 86 for the first time. once in liverpool i popped into the paper mill shop to pick up some card, envelopes and crayola coloured glue (yay crayola!), spoke to steve for a bit, then headed out of clayton square in completely the wrong direction to where i wanted to go. but it must have been fate guiding my footsteps as i found myself in past times and lo and behold.. there hung the perfect presents for emma and kate. so i speedily purchased these fine articles before anyone else could snap them up. then, my head starting to go a little fuzzy from lack of sugar, i meandered down the road, passing a very optimistic street singer and two men pretending to be statues, until i found quiggins, and stood there in grin for about five minutes staring at the wrapping paper. it was very nice wrapping paper. it stared back, until i bought some and put it in a bag out the way. then i wound my way out of quiggins, avoiding all the little people on the way, and went hunting for a card shop, with the aim of buying some cheap wrapping paper to cut up and use later, but all the cheap wrapping paper was too expensive, so i bought some nice shiny ribbon instead... wooo look at the colours... at some point i found myself staring blankly at a woman for quite a few minutes before i realised she was talking to me, descended from my hazy reverie and found she was inviting me to a gospel concert. i apologetically apologised and said gospel wasnt my thing, to which she replied 'remember god loves you'... well that's very sweet but i'm kind of seeing somebody at the moment. if things don't work out though, you tell him to give me a call.

i wandered aimlessly for a bit after that until it was almost time for the bus to arrive, then wandered slightly less aimlessly towards the bus stop, and very purposefully wandered onto the bus. i was pleasantly surprised to see ruth and lucy running towards the very bus i was on, and greeted them with a warm hello. it was a very welcome warm hello too; it was quite cold today. on returning to my room, i did a little bit of work on the sphenoid bone until it was tea time, went to tea, came back, and then went and hid in the computer rooms for a bit, getting soundly thrashed by joe at minesweeper flags.

not long ago, karina visited, drank my vodka and talked to me in hebrew and russian, then ran off with someone called debra down the hall. i have her jumper hostage though, mu hu haha!

so that brings us up to now, 22:05. (i didnt actually spend 2 hours writing this entry, half of that time was spent shivering outside waiting for karina's bus to arrive, and eating junk in my room.) still feeling rather peckish, as i had tea 5 hours ago, so i may go and raid my shelf in the fridge. i have claimed the top door shelf as my own, as it is the only one off of which my commandeered butter doesn't fall when i close the door. then i think i'll have lots of fun cutting and sticking in my room whilst either watching lord of the rings special features or listening to muse/placebo/chilli peppers/evanescence very loudly. or possibly both at once.

havent spoken to ian (mmm ian...) for a while. beginning to get withdrawal symptoms.

sign my guestbook!

8:12 p.m. - 2004-01-24


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