

eostar is here, spring is springing forth and damn! its windy...

i can't help thinking i should update, but i'm not really sure what to write.

i suppose firstly a link to my brother's diary is in order, because it had me vainly tyring to supress my laughter in the computer room not long ago and i really don't give him enough credit. he's in huddersfield today visiting emma and kate, so i hope they're all behaving and having fun. joe is really kewl. he's the sort of friend i'd want to have if i was outgoing enough to make an impression on their group. as it is, i'm lucky enough to be related to him, so i don't have to do that :-)

secondly, man am i tired. i keep not going to bed even though i know i should and then getting up and doing silly things like dress rehearsals and athletic union nights. i need to go to the library tomorrow. sunday library visits are always an adventure as the buses run only once an hour, so i have i think it's 12.5 minutes (while the bus goes into town and back) to run to the library, renew/hand in my books, run back out and be waiting at the stop on the other side of the road. indiana jones has nothing on me mate. i also made a spectacular run for the bus this morning before fencing - i couldnt find my keys for a start, then my door decided to play up and wouldn't lock, so when it did, i dashed out of the corridor, and it was like one of those slow-mo will she/won't she make it things as i crashed into the door to stop it catching again on the electro-magnetic lock. then just as i was taking the stairs two at a time, the bus started pulling away, so i did my best ever sprint and managed to catch up and bang on the doors so he'd let me in just as it was about to pull onto elmswood road. woo, it was more exciting than [insert something exciting here].

so when we got to fencing we were in poules (groups where you have matches...) again and to cut a long story short i lost all mine, whoops. buuuut, i'm losing by less now so i have a feeling i might actually win next time i play. unless of course they go back to coaching on tuesday when i'm not going to be there because of the dance show... that would be painfully ironic. i also got whacked a fair few times by a guy who i think doesnt quite understand that you have to press the tip of the foil onto the lam� (metal-woven vest typed thing that is linked to the electric light set) to score a point and not just give your opponent the most bruises you can by using your foil like a whip! gah! oh well, fencing bruises are kinda kewl. better than bumping into things bruises, which are the sort i usually get. i also tried the treadmills for the first time today. they are weird. trying to find the speed so you have to run but not run off the end or fall off the back... then when i got off i kept thinking the floor should be moving. twas a good job it was only me and henry in there and i don't think i'll be trying that again in a hurry til i've figured them out a bit more.

i went to see swan lake with karina and steve on thursday, and it was absolutely spellbinding. without a doubt the best ballet i've seen so far. we've decided that somewhere near the end of term we're going to dress up in black tie and evening wear and have a proper night at the theatre with the best seats, and go out for dinner. if we have any loan left. i dont think the english national ballet is coming back until november, and i'm not sure about any other companies. i know blood brothers is coming and we're definitely going to see that. i'd also like to see an opera soon. i think carmen and tosca (?) are showing at some point this season (dahhling).

the dress rehearsal for the show went pretty craply. apart from the tap. the tap routine kicks ass. but the rehearsal didnt flow like a proper dress rehearsal should, and the irish dance wasn't even finished. hopefully things should be a little smoother on monday.

i keep thinking its peculiar that i have only nine weeks of first-yearness left... two this term and only seven next term. wow. then i get to be a second year with clinical attachments and a house and my gorgeous ian (mmmmm ian) in halls only a few minutes walk away... but it also means shorter holidays and more work. hmm.

anyway, i should probably sign off here. i originally came to look up things for this presentation we all have to do in communication skills. it was pick your own topic, so i think i'm going to choose 'the origins of the easter (eostar) egg' and give one out at the end :-D

so, until next time, goodnight folks

(and happy eostar!)

10:39 p.m. - 2004-03-20


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