

stress, reducing!

hello folks

well, i finally got my written exams out the way. let me take this opportunity to say: 'ohmygodohmygodohmygodivesofailedpapertwoimsocomingbackinaugusttoresitcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap' ahem. paper one wasnt too bad. although i've probably not done too well on that one either. just goes to show that if you want good grades, DO THE WORK!!!


also i suppose a howdy is in order to anyone from fencing who may be reading my diary as for some reason i linked this from my profile on the forum. (why?!)

but yeah. my diary is actually pretty boring so if you want to read about someone who has more of an interesting life i suggest you check out this, this, or this. actually that last one is more weird than interesting. but meh, its kewl.

news... well its the AU ball tomorrow, which means me in a dress looking like a girl for once, and then i'm going home on saturday for some heavy duty clinical skills revision. rectal exam, anyone? i'm also going to see my home dance school's show, and mrs t said i can go backstage so i'll have to make sure i'm on the list. should be kewl. apparently they're doing a version of the moulin rouge cancan this year. damn, i so wanted to do that! but i got the chicago duet last year so i suppose i've had my moment.

last night i was dreaming that i was in america, and we went to subway and there was a webcam in there. then i went to the the exam, which was in like this theatre place, and they were asking how many of the students were gay, and henry casey put his hand up, (lol) then henry (halls henry, my bud) started being all disruptive, and we had to face the back, then he got moved and deef came through the rows of people holding the string of a helium balloon in his mouth... i also dreamed about a baby that i was looking after. someone had put it in a plastic bag (?!?!)

i should probably leave this here. steve's told me i have to go out for a drink with him and karina, even though i'm supposed to be going to the carnibar later to laugh at the karaoke with ruth and lucy. hum.

so until next time, g'night folks

7:38 p.m. - 2004-05-27


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