

and we'll have fun fun fun til someone takes my vodka away...

well, i'm sure you'll all be thrilled to know i passed my first year exams, so i can have fun over the summer without the threat of resits hanging over my head. they should not have released them in the afternoon, it just meant a whole morning worrying and getting jittery. i did manage to do a lot of packing on my nervous energy though.

steve came round on friday afternoon and serenaded me, then after results were announced henry joined us in a bottle of wine and a first-to-100 game of scrabble (which i won, hurray!) then we went to the guild for the last time this year to see josh ritter, who was fantastic. wow that was a long sentence. we got back fairly early but i sat in the kitchen with henry for a bit talking about the year and drinking his cranberry juice.

mum arrived at about 9am saturday morning and we got back home just after one. we spent most of the afternoon unpacking then at about half seven we left to go to joe's mate kirkham's party. cue innocent look... we picked up christel then went to em and kates to try and persuade em to go, but she didnt want to. when we got there most people were in the garden, but nicky, monique, emily and some others who i didnt know at the time had gone running across the field at the back of his house and up the hill. i could just make out some figures at the top, it looked like they were trying to pitch a tent. i hung around with kate and christel for a bit - joe had gone with a couple of other lads to try and make the hill group come back to kirkham's. i think. maybe he just wanted to run up the hill too. i was trying to resist the buffet that was out... i managed for a bit but you know how it goes when there's nice food all around you, you think 'oh i'll just have one of those, and a bit of that, and maybe some of that too...' oh well. i didnt have much lunch, i'll justify it that way. another reason for resisting the food was that i wanted the vodka to take effect quicker - i'd taken the rest of the bottle that henry bought me not long back and was steadily working my way through it, with a bit of help from amy, joe and the other girls when they got back from the hill. i also had some sangria and a can of cider later on.

so yeah, the hill people came back. i was talking to someone on the step - i think it was kate and nicki, when some other girls i didnt know came and sat with us. one was a girl called alice but i cant remember the others' names. we got talking and she's really kewl, i kind of ended up in her company til she left at eleven. i managed to spill the remnants of my cider down both our legs as well, oops. james's family had got this inflatable thing up in the back garden - it had elastic ropes and you had to try and get to the and with your token thing before the otehr person does and without falling over and being pulled back to the end. i didnt go on it, but by the middle of the party people had abandoned the game and were just bouncing all over it. i sat on it once and had trouble getting up, lol.

i got drunker than i wanted to last night, so for the past hour i was pretty much glued to the tap in the kitchen trying to dilute the alcohol.. i had crisps and a banana as well to get my salt levels back up and it was starting to work but i was probably still acting really embarrassingly. i dont usually do stupid things when i'm drunk, i just talk crap. and cant walk straight.

but all in all, it was a fun night, and thanks to the gallons of water i ingested, didnt wake up with too bad a head this morning.

america in three days, woooooooo

- nox -

5:04 p.m. - 2004-06-13


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