

Lazy few days

Not much has happened since my last entry. We didn't do anything Monday until 5, when we went to fencing, only to find that there was only Jaime there as the coach had told them not to come back until today.

Yesterday we went to the hospital to see if they had my evaluation form, but my supervisor was still away and the secretary wasn't there, so no luck there. After lunch we went to Ancon Hill, the tallest natural point in Panama City, parked at the bottom and walked to the top. It was nice, if sweaty, because if we were quiet the animals started coming out. We saw a toucan flying around in the trees above us, and about five �eques scurrying around off the path. There were spiders again, a bird we couldn't identify, and lots of black vultures. The view from the top was worth the climb, as you could see all of the city from one side and the canal and docks from the other. There was a storm coming though so the visibility wasn't that great. As we were walking back down it started to rain, but luckily it wasn't too heavy or for too long. After the hill we went to Florida State so Mario could say hello to his old co-workers and see what was happening. I got introduced to a lot of people who couldn't pronounce my name, and it was damn cold because of the air conditioning. But Mario got to say his hellos, so that was good.

In the evening we were supposed to go and pick up his prents from the airport, but the flight was delayed for three hours. We left at about nine and they got in at about 9:50, so we weren't waiting around that long. We somehow managed to pile all the bags into two cars and went to his parents house. They unpacked a few things, Alex gave me one of the spare necklaces she gave to the other contestants, and his parents had bought T-shirts for everyone. We snitched a couple of slices of pizza and talked for a bit, then Mario drove us home.

Today we haven't really done much again. Mario went to pick up his Mom this morning, we went to the supermarket, came back and had lunch and then went to see if the art and craft fair was open (it wasn't). So now we're just waiting to go fencing again. I hate that - just waiting for half four to roll around. It's like it builds it up into this big thing and it really shouldn't. I just keep telling myself 'it's only one more time, just enjoy it.' We'll see how it goes.

Off to Portobelo tomorrow. Should be fun. Laters xxx

3:38 p.m. - 2006-07-26


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