

sometimes the heart should tell the mind to stay at home and stop interfering.

i hate it when ian has to go :(

and i can't believe no-one's updated since i was last on!

back into the old routine as of today, apart from clinical skills not being on this week. i don't know how this term is going to go. i'm definitely going to try and stay on top of it all though. after all it's only 6 more weeks i need to get through before i can go home again (which is the best part of being at uni!)

i really want to go to reading festival this year - i've never been to one before and have decided it needs experiencing, and the tickets are onsale but i'm a bit nervous about getting one. mostly because i'd probably be going on my own, even though ian's working there, and it's quite far away. hmm. but i want one because i'll be all kewl and independent and scruffy festivalchick, and ian will be there. mmmmm ian...

i love being around him, he's so kewl. then either he has to go or i do, depending on who's visiting who and i feel all sad for a couple of days, then intermittently til i see him again. ugh its annoying. but it does mean i'm deleriously happy when he's here. next time i see him will be in about two weeks when he comes for his interview. he says he's going to cut his hair for that, and i really don't want him to (even though i know it's probably a good idea) cos his hair is just gorgeous the way it is.. long and scruffy and damn fine.

didnt actually do much this weekend; watched about four DVDs, shared a whole tub of haagen dazs (mmmmm) and went to the tequila bar with karina, ben, steve and helen, which was fun, then he had to leave on sunday and i felt like crying when the train pulled away. i didnt though. i just stood in the station with a cup of tea trying to get the feeling back into my toes (it was so damn cold!). in the end i went and stood in boots where it was actually warm, reading all the labels on the baby milk formulas while i waited for the bus.

anyway, i'd best get going to tea soon, not that it looks very exciting today.. brie and redurrant tart or some weird sort of cheese and tomato burger things...

5:01 p.m. - 2004-02-23


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