

i'm walking into spiderwebs, so leave a message and i'll call you back

firstly, a big go ian!! for getting a place on the radiography course next year - pleased for you dude, well done :D

he's gone again though, so once more i'm all sad... and i miss home too. i'll probably be seeing ian over easter but thats aaaages away and i dunno what i'll be working yet. boo.

i'm sure i had stuff to put in this entry. i did. hmmm.

fencing was pants on tuesday. i wasnt originally going to go because ian was supposed to get here around half six, but when i rang after ballet he still hadnt left home, so i thought i'd go for an hour then walk down to lime street to meet him. if the past few weeks were anything to go by i should have had a good practise and got nice and sweaty, but noooo.. we were put into pools to have some matches with the electric gear, and i had to fight like the best guy there so i lost in about 2 minutes and then did nothing else til i left. pshht rubbishness.

met ian at about half nine and got the bus back to halls. after i'd had a jacket potato and a shower, we watched half of amelie then just went to sleep. i set my alarm for 7 the next morning but could have slept in longer i reckon. i had to be in for a nine am lecture so ian caught the bus with me then went to meet his mum, and i didnt see him again until about quarter past three after his interview. his mum went into town and we went back to my room to get his stuff, watched the rest of amelie and got biscuit crumbs all over my bed, lol... we left my room at about five to go and meet his mum in town, and i swear it got freezinger as it got later - my whole face went numb and i couldnt talk properly... we met his mum in starbucks then wandered for a bit while they uhh.. debated about where to eat. we decided on caesar's palace in the end, and it was pretty decent, except for me burning my tongue on my first mouthful of veggie lasagna :-( and that i was sat next to the window so i was freezing. i did nick some tomato sauce sachets tho :-D and it was great spending time with ian and his mum. i like petra, she's kewl.

but gods i hate it so much having to say goodbye... i went back to my room and again sat staring blankly at the wall, fell asleep and was woken by mum ringing at about twenty to ten. after that i just went to bed and watched ER.

slept in late this morning, had breakfast in my room (hmm, i need to get some more cereal soon) and went to my lecture. i felt so out of it though. in comm skills we had a simulated patient and i went second; we had to explain a bit of a procedure to him and get consent, only i asked if it was ok to go ahead with the op but didnt actually ask him to sign a consent form, so oops... oh well.

on the way back i took my disposable camera in for processing, so i'll get my pics on saturday. hope they come out ok.

watched the end of countdown then fell asleep.. again.. i seem to be doing that a lot lately. maybe i should go to bed earlier or something. i did do a bit of work after tea and i'm trying to do some now but i'm talking to joe, and i was talking to ian, and writing this, so i've only read about half a page. hum.

well i guess i'll stop this here and try and read the rest of it. sorry for the crappy entry, still feeling a bit down and tired.

night all


8:21 p.m. - 2004-03-11


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