

Like an onion

i stole this from riaz who stole it from some guy.

Layer One:
Name: Kirsty Laura Mills
Birthplace: Nottingham, England
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Cold Blue
Hair Color: Dark brown at the ends fading to light brown/dark blond at the roots
Height: 5 foot 8 and a half
Righty or Lefty: Right
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Layer Two:
Your heritage: 3rd generation Notts lass with some gypsy along the paternal line not so far back. Maternal may have been connected with the Conways in Wales...?
The shoes you wore today: Trainers, because I went fencing
Your fears: The Unknown; blending into history like I was never there; becoming generic; failure; others, depending on what i've been reading.
Your perfect meal: There are too many good meals in this world to choose just one. My great aunt's tuna in mustard sauce, my dad's curries and his almost-coq-au-vin, many many others.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Have fun in America this summer. Then graduate, preferably with honours, but any graduation will be good.

Layer Three:
Your thoughts on first waking up: What time is it? What day is it? Is this a pill alarm or do I actually have to get up now? What on earth was that dream all about?
Your best physical feature: My left elbow. It holds a fascination few can resist.
Your worst physical feature: My heels and the metatarso-phalangeal joints of my little toes. Dancing and fencing do not give sandal feet.
Your bedtime: Variable
Your most missed memory: Childhood
Your latest fixation: Fencing, probably. Or maybe relearning my guitar.

Layer Four:
Pepsi or Coke: Neither, thank you. Coke if I'm pushed.
McDonald's or Burger King: Again, neither.
Single or group dates: Dates are boring.
Adidas or Nike: Neither. Sports labels suck ass.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestle are evil. EVIL!
Chocolate or vanilla: Depends on the medium.
Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee usually, why pay for extra froth?
Dali or Picasso: I like both

Layer Five:
Smoke: No thank you.
Cuss: More than i should.
Sing: Yes, very loudly in my room for my satisfaction and to annoy my neighbours.
Take a shower: Ok. I had one this morning though.
Have a crush: Kind of
Do you think you've been in love: I think I thought I was. I think maybe I think I am again?
Want to go to college?: I've done college, I'm at university now.
Liked high school?: Yeah
Want to get married: Perhaps
Get motion sickness: Occasionally.
Think you're a health freak: Doubtful. I like the wrong foods too much. But I'm aiming to get my two-pack back by summer.
Get along with your parent(s): Parents, and yes, they're fantastic
Like thunderstorms?: Yep
Play an instrument: Drums, sporadically. Guitar, less frequently.

Layer Six:
In the past month...
Drank alcohol: Yes
Smoked: Passively. Yuck.
Done a drug: Paracetamol?
Had Sex: haha. No.
Made Out: No
Gone on a date: No. But I met Steve for lunch not long back.
Gone to the mall?: I went to the 'mall' today
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: We don't have Oreos. I haven't eaten an entire box of anything recently. Oh wait, maltesers. But i shared some, does that count?
Eaten sushi: Nope
Been on stage: Not in the past month.
Been dumped: Not that I know of
Made homemade cookies: No, that's next weekend's job
Gone skinny dipping: No
Dyed your hair: No, that's quite an achivement actually.
Stolen anything: Yes, surrepticious glances

Layer Seven:
In a guy/girl...
Best eye color?: Doesn't matter
Best hair color?: ditto
Short or long hair?: Mmm, long I guess.
Height: Guy, equal to or taller than me. Girl, doesnt matter.
Best weight: WTF?! who gives a damn?!
Best articles of clothing: Who the hell is this picky anyway?
At work or at college: At college (uni), for now.
Arty or science: A bit of both would be ideal.

Layer Eight:
Number of drugs taken illegally: Well, alcohol before I turned 18. None other.
Number of piercings: Nine
Number of tattoos: None yet.
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Lots. I get in for being smart, and dancing. And being in the right place at the right time. Muahahaha
Number of scars on my body: Lots. At least five. Seven including chickenpox scars. And then some.
Number of things in my past that I regret: A couple.
Number of times I have had my heart broken: Not sure.
Number of hearts I have broken: One definitely, possibly more.
Number of boys I have kissed in my life: Four. More on the cheek.
Number of girls I have kissed: Depends on whether you count the ones without tongue.
Number of other continents I have visited: One.

8:30 p.m. - 2004-05-08


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