

that freefall back to me

well, do you know how many freshers turned up for the freshers pub crawl? not one! oh well, more drink for us :D

the AU night was more successful, even if it did end a bit messily. i wore heels and had to sit down. was missing my jeans and docs. ahh how i love my doc martens.

i'm listening to lonestar on my minidisc at the mo (it'll change to lee ann womack in a minute) and its very distracting but i thought i'd see how incoherent i get. this will be fun, tee hee. i cant believe i just wrote tee hee.not really sure what to write. i have a fencing committee meeting in two hours - i couldnt be bothered to go home first so i'm sat in the library feeling very conscious of my rumbling stomach and developing headache thinking 'i really should be doing something constructive instead of surfing the net'. but meh. i'll pick my SSMs in a minute then go and find some books, and maybe do some work depending on how much time i have left.

i cant believe ronan bloody keating covered this song! its just not right! irish fool.

i keep wanting to go shopping but cant really justify it. i did buy some rather nice knickers from tesco on saturday though (i was amazed that 'knickers' wasnt in my text predict!). what else do i want... opera gloves.. micro fishnet hold ups.. hot topic stuff..

i brought some old dancing costumes back from home this weekend to see what i could make out of them, thinking about the next AU night and fast-approaching hallowe'en. mike wants us to go out as characters from conan the barbarian but thats so blokish and i havent even seen it. if i dont have to do that i do have a pretty kick-ass costume. but we'll see. i kinda wanted to do the whole genderbending thing, i love it, its so fun.. but i dunno. pirate or cowboy or something.. or i could resurect the camp 60s dude costume that i wore to meg's murder mystery dinner thing. hmm.

hour and a half to waste..

i phoned emma yesterday, was great to speak to her again. i always worry that i'm drifting away though because everything's so separate now. meh. i was thinking about maybe ringing ian this week as well. might wait til the weekend when it's cheaper. i had a dream last night in which he was conspicuous by his absence.. oh well. i wish i didnt feel so messed up regarding him. like either it is definitely over and i can flirt again or its not and i should stop being so... i dunno. i dont want it to be over, but i miss flirting, which is why i still do it i think. i stuck some pictures of him up on my wardrobe yesterday. so hot...

ok i'm going to stop rambling now.

will be back at some point with a better entry.

a bientot


4:33 p.m. - 2004-10-18


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