

updating cos i'm bored. bad reason, but meh...

ok. i'm only adding this entry cos i'm bored waiting to go back to the royal. don't really have time to go back to mario's and do work, so i've checked my emails, re-organised my inbox, checked my emails again, checked the rankings list on the BFA website (still no update. sigh), checked the forum... and i still have 25 minutes to kill. mario hasnt updated his website since putting up the sabre rankings but that's no surprise as i've been with him for most of the past couple of days, apart from when i'm in uni and he's at work of course. not that i check it obsessively or anything... i keep looking to see if he's changed his profiley bit, about being bitter, cos i hope he's not any more... meh, he'll change it as and when. i still find it amusing how incestuous the fencing club is... but somehow it does seem right.. i mean it's a mixed club with some really kewl and quirky people, and the amount of time we all spend together people are bound to start liking each other... i hope next year's intake are just as amiable.

karina sent me a message last night, kind of apologising, which made me smile. hopefully we'll be ok now. i wasnt going to bother with her if she kept making me out to be the one in the wrong but i think now she's had some time to work her own problems out she's come around a little. going to meet up with her soon i think, maybe talk things through, maybe just agree to let it go and move on. hmm, i really need to write to kathryn and martyn soon. actually have my writing paper in my bag, might do that later after i've got a bit of work done.

argh, this entry has been a bit of a long waffle about nothing... i really shouldnt update just because i have nothing better to do... although, at the moment, all i want to talk about is mario mario mario and i know that's just not interesting to anyone but me... hmm, my stomach feels all funny... too many cookies over the weekend, it's baaaaaad. i really need to start exercising properly again, it's amazing how bad new crushes are for your resolve... not enough exercise, too much junk and not enough fruit n veg. have a banana and an apple in my bag tho, so will eat those this afternoon.

yes, i'm still talking crap. will stop now.

ciao xxx

2:13 p.m. - 2005-05-10


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