

Cut, paste? D'oh!

Ohhh arse. I decided to go and change my template today, so happily cut out my old code and replaced it with the new stuff, completely forgetting to save the text for my archives, so I'm going to have to do it all again now, damn damn damn. Ah well. Won't make the same mistake again. This may take some time, so I'm sorry if my diary looks a bit messy or things are hard to find or links don't work yet. I meant to just change it and get on with my essay, but now I need to sort out the mess I seem to have made. And the flipping mouse keeps falling off my leg! There is no room on Mario's desk to put the keyboard or a mousemat, so everything is balanced on top of my knee and sometimes it falls of and random buttons get pressed.

Anyway. Whinge over. Went fencing last night, and it went ok. Mike wanted single-sex pools for some reason, so there were a grand total of five women for sabre, and four for foil and epee. I did pretty well yesterday, considering the time off. I won the foil and epee pools and came second in the sabre. Two of the other girls were newbies though, so it's not like we were all at the same standard. I wonder if I'll stop calling them newbies next year. For some reason it feels like they never really integrated like the other years. I gues it's because there are more of them this year - tbey can kind of stick together more.

I mentioned last entry that I'd made a start on my essay. Well.. Not long after I'd done that I got an email from my supervisor with my essay plan, amended. It turns out that what I'd written he didn't want putting in the essay at all, so I had to delete all but the first line and re-write it. I'm back up to where I was now, but it was a bit annoying. I want to have most of it (about 2000 words) done by the end of this week. I also need to get on with PBL and revision though, so time management needs to be at its best.

We still don't know what to do about Mario's flight. As it stands now, I could pay for his flight, but it would leave me virtually skint. I do have back up money that I could and would like to give to him, but if he takes it he really needs to get a move on with booking it because I don't want him to leave it til the last minute. As of yet, no rich relatives have heeded my plea. One tried to sell me clothes that didn't fit, but was rather less forthcoming in the money department. Ah well. One day we won't have to feel guilty about buying arborio rice or decent chicken...

1:33 p.m. - 2006-05-10


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