

hitchhiking to the AU ball

i had a dream last night that meg started talking to me again. i was so happy in the dream - she sent me a note saying lets just forget it all, and i was going to alton towers with her and jane, except they'd sold out of tickets so we ended up going to some stately home instead. i miss meg. but i'm afraid that she still has a grudge on me and i'm afraid to break the ice in case i'm rejected again. over easter i went for my interview at the surgery and she was on the front desk. was a bit of a shock, but i thought it might prompt a conversation. no such luck. she just treated me like any other client, polite yet not really interested. i dont really know what to say that's not going to bring on another torrent of 'you don't care about me, you never visit, you're not interested in my problems, why have you left it so long to get in touch...' it's because i'm a coward at heart. i'd rather run and hide from things that need sorting out, instead of doing the right and honourable thing and getting the unpleasantness out the way in order to get my friend back. if she even wants me back.

i really should be working at the moment. i havent done any this week because of hospital attachments and fencing things and the AU colours dinner last night... ah that was so much fun! started getting ready at home then went to meet up with the girls at susan's, before getting a cab down to the adelphi. had to run over to lime street station before we went in to get some cash, and we were stared at and heckled the whole way! bah... scallies never seen formal wear before?! got to the adelphi and my heart was thumping quite hard... i wasnt sure if i was looking forward to or was nervous about how mario was going to react when he saw me... hoping it wouldnt be a let-down... and looking forward to seeing him in his tux.. i neednt have worried, his first few words were 'wow...' punctuated by looks up and down.. ah, success... he looked pretty damn good too. we had a few photos taken outside then went in to the dining room. dinner was quite nice - the soup was a bit run-of-the-mill, but the vegetable wellington was miles better than the rather acidic gnocci last year. i thought the dessert could have been better but it was still good, then there was cheese, coffee and mints, all accompanied by cheap red table wine that you could see through for heaven's sake! tightwads... after all the awards had been given out mario went and got a better bottle of wine, and we ended up getting quite tipsy... didnt stay in the room with the dancefloor, as the music was a bit pants, so went and joined mike, richard and spaff who were doing a bit of male bonding with brandy and cigars, lol... we just intruded, but then most everyone else came and joined us too. it was fun, we ended up talking about stuff for the remainder of the night, and i took pictures of everyone with john's camera. kept accidentally making videos though :S we got a cab back to susan's so i could pick my bag up, then mario and myself walked tanya back to her place (kev has come down with mumps, poor bete, and couldnt go...) before heading off to his flat. he really is lovely, i'm so glad that all the tenative flirting wasn't in vain.

today i've just been trying to do work, although i slept in quite late so i've only been here since about 3pm. am going to go home in a bit and do some there before going to see the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy with some of the guys tonight. must take my rent cheque in at some point soon as well. i think i can do that on tuesday since it's a bank holiday this monday. then tomorrow it's back to fencing and then jen and ben's murder mystery evening later. looking forward to that - i'm supposed to be some kind of marilyn monroe character so i need to find a costume...

anyway, i should either get this work done or head off home, diarylanding is like sugar... empty calories... fun, but achieves nothing. yeah.


3:54 p.m. - 2005-04-29


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