


I'm debating whether to expend effort and copy something down from t'interweb, or to expend money and just print it out... A whole 5 pence... Although this does invlove finding my purse, getting up and walking allll the way over to the print credit machine (on the other side of the room) and typing my password in...

I went with the printing. My hand is being lazy.

Went to see the Nutcracker last night with Mario, Kev and Tanya, which was immensely fun. I do love the Nutcracker. It has some of my most favourite ballet music ever and the scenes in the land of sweets place almost guarantee some fantastic choreography. I think I preferred the last version I saw though. This version was quite classical but the one I saw in my first year was very stylised, which worked very well. The russian dance consisted of a very athletic male dancer in a bear costume doing some fantastic leaps and acrobatics, and the arabian dance had a big fan of feathers involved... I can't remember which company performed that version but it really was good. Ah... just losing myself in the music for a minute... We went out for a drink afterwards and sat talking until about half eleven. I had dreams about sheep last night. Lots and lots of sheep. Why??

I have two overripe bananas that I'm not going to eat now so I was looking for a banana bread recipe... I used to have one from mamma but that's at home somewhere and I have no idea where I put it. This one seems to be quite workable though. Need to pick up a couple of ingredients but we have the rest at home. I need to get a new CD to put all my work on.. I have one at the moment but it's so scratched I'm surprised the computer still reads it. I just checked my bank balance and found that I managed to spend �219 in the past week. I was amazed! Granted, I had Em and Kate's birthdays, plus travel and stuff, and I paid for the Empire tickets but still, it's far too much for just one week... I know there'll be another lump coming out of my account soon though - I'm paying for my flight in installments of about �100 each so that it's not just one big chunk of cash disappearing from my account in one go. Thank goodness for student loans... Not looking forward to paying off the �20000 debt I'll have accumulated by the end of my course though.

I should go get food before fencing tonight. Laters all xxx

4:13 p.m. - 2006-01-31


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