

Kirsty Mills, Ladies Captain for the second year running.

I don't really want to be in the library right now, but Mario needed to do some stuff so I'm surfing while he procrastinates. I'll probably poke him in a few minutes so he finishes what he's supposed to then we can both go.

It was the AGM of the fencing club today, and I ate far too many peanut m&ms. There was a bit of a poor showing on the count of the newbies - I think only about five out of maybe twelve showed up. Two of them had excuses but the rest didn't. Consequently, we are yet to vote in next year's treasurer. Nobody wanted to stand for it, which is a bit sad, really. We also had a bit of a problem with the Health and Safety officer. Suzanne took over the role of secretary, Tanya became Club Captain, Gavin won Men's Captain, and I was re-elected for Ladies' Captain. I'm not sure if I'm happy with this or not. If I'm honest, I wouldn't really have wanted any of the girls there to do it, apart from Tanya or Susan, but Tanya couldn't do both roles and Susan didn't seem to want to run. I have had a fantastic year as LC. Sometimes I wanted to slap a couple of the girls to their senses, but other times they did so well it really didn't matter. I just hope I can do as well next year.

I managed to finish my CTM yesterday morning, so a lot of the pressure I was feeling has now lifted. I was all ready to hand it in this afternoon, too, but I got to the Cohen to finish printing and realised I'd forgotten to copy one of the things I needed to put in. I trekked back to the Syd Jones to borrow Mario's copy card but then I couldn't be bothered to go all the way back to the Duncan Building so I went back home and did some laundry and washing up instead. I was going to start tidying up but ran out of time. I suppose I was lucky that I got out of the GP's earlier than I thought I would - the computer system was going to be off for two hours so the clerk lady said we may as well just go home as there was no point in hanging around all afternoon. I have to be in for 8:30am next week though. Bleugh... I got there at exactly quarter to eleven, even though I thought I was going to be late as I had no idea how long the walk from the station would be. As it turned out, I was fine, but when I rang up my GP partner he was still asleep, and came in about an hour and twenty minutes late.

I really didn't want to get up this morning. I went out last night in what seems like the first time in months and had a really good time, even though the music was pants and they only started playing the good stuff when I was leaving. We went to the AU night, dressed in beach attire despite the chilly wind, and Mario and I turned up late as usual. I wanted to leave at about 1 so I could get a bit of sleep before going to the GPs in the morning, so off we went - got outside to find it had been raining for god knows how long and there were enormous puddles everywhere! We near enough ran back up Hardman Street; stopped in at the library so I could email my CTM work to Mario to print off for me, then ran the rest of the way home. When I woke up I'd been dreaming that Heather had grown her hair out like Tanya's, I apparently was holding a camera and some guy took offence, Mario, Kev, Tanya and me were holed up in this caravan whilst it poured with rain outside and Mike went to the New Chippery... Don't ask...

8:30 p.m. - 2006-03-30


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