


The internet (and my brain) seems to be running on half speed today. At least it's running.

I was only on the wards for two and a half hours today as I had teaching from 11:30 - 17:00. I had a vaguely guilty feeling going home straight after but they all knew I was going to be off the ward and I am not going back after hours if I'm not rota-d for it. I know I've stayed late but that was to finish jobs that I hadn't done, not just to check if there was anything outstanding. Fingers crossed for a smooth morning tomorrow.

I was so disappointed when I woke up today and realised it wasn't Friday. I can't remember if it was anything to do with what I was dreaming... Something about my little brother refusing to pay full fare on a tram then going to buy a camper van that came with 'sentient' water in the back. It looked a bit like Flubber except it was purple, then when it was on the shelf it looked like a load of oranges and he was juggling them. (Analyse that!)

I have conversations in my head. I have no idea why. Usually I'm trying to justify something about myself to some imagined interrogator. For instance, before I started working I used to walk into town to get stuff from Tesco or wherever, and I'd imagine being stopped by some Trinny/Susannah-esque person asking me why I dress so rubbishly, and explaining that since I can't drive, comfortable shoes are important (I'm hardly ever out of my 5-year-old Doc Marten buckle shoes), and it would look silly were I to wear something light and girly with big stompy shoes on. Also, I can't walk anywhere slowly, so I don't bother wearing anything I don't mind getting a bit sweaty in. And I carry a rucksack because I don't really understand handbags; they make my shoulder ache, and I can carry shopping in it instead of using plastic bags. Why do I feel I have to justify my behaviour to myself? I must have gone through that thought process every time I walked over to Tesco.

I have to start filling in my e-portfolio soon. I hate setting my own learning objectives. Argh! I'm even using the buzzwords! But seriously, I find it so difficult saying what I think I should be learning. How do I know if I'm missing anything out? I suppose I could just go through the curriculum and put everything in. They'd probably notice if I did that though.

Anyway. I am so sleepy. Think I'll get an early night.

Tschuss all!


Ok. I didn't go straight to bed. I took a test I found on some dude's diary. Here are the results:

Your hemispheric dominance is equally divided between left and right brain, while you show a moderate preference for auditory versus visual learning, signs of a balanced and flexible person.

Your balance gives you the enviable capacity to be verbal and literate while retaining a certain "flair" and individuality. You are logical and compliant but only to a degree. You are organized without being compulsive, goal-directed without being driven, and a "thinking" individual without being excessively so.

The one problem you might have is that your learning might not be as efficient as you would like. At times you will work from the specific to the general, while at other times you'll work from the general to the specific. Sometimes you will be logical in your approach while at other times random. Since you cannot always control the choice, you may experience frustrations not normally felt by persons with a more defined and directed learning style.

You may also minimally experience conflicts associated with auditory processing. You will be systematic and sequential in your processing of information, you will most often focus on a single dimension of the problem or material, and you will be more reflective, i.e., "taking the data in" as opposed to "devouring" it.

Overall, you should feel content with your life and yourself. You are, perhaps, a little too critical of yourself - and of others - while maintaining an "openness" which is redeeming. Indecisiveness is a problem and your creativity is not in keeping with your potential. Being a pragmatist, you downplay this aspect of yourself and focus on the more immediate, the more obvious and the more functional

9:05 p.m. - 2008-08-14


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