

Thought I'd try and write this entry properly. You know, with capitals and stuff.

I think I'm getting a cold. I've been sneezing all day, my nose feels stuffy and my left eye feels all squished. Oh well. Hopefully it won't have too much of an impact on my performance this weekend at the Wrexham Open, although the issues we're having with transport might. And I just found out from the forum that Jenny Yate is going to be there - scary epeeist who left our club in the middle of the season. I'm both nervous and intrigued at the prospect of facing her, since we haven't fenced since before she left.

Mario hasn't emailed back :( I know he's only sat at the front desk and I can go and talk to him whenever I want, but the little emails are fun, dammit! :P Mike has started him on this new training regime, but I don't know how long it's going to last. I'm more worried for Mike than I am for Mario - Mario's not carrying round a stone of extra gut and a blood pressure slightly higher than it should be... I'm half inclined to join them on some of their workouts, but I think I'd be encroaching on the male bonding time... lol.. I do need to increase my exercise over summer though or I'll be completely out of shape for the new season.

We had some more people come to look at the house today. The first was some strange looking guy who Simon (the landlord) brought round just after I'd got out of the shower. I'd only just put my T shirt on when he tried to open my door - without knocking! The cheek of it... Luckily I had remembered to lock the door this time around.

I really need to start revising soon. I keep feeling very guilty when I read Holly's diary, about all the work she's doing, and thinking about all the work I'm not. Well, I'm sort of doing work now (community report thing) but it's not revision. And I need to pick my SSMs, update my clinical log book, fill in the communication skills thing, write to the practice to tell them when I'll be home... argh too much stuff!

Anyway, I should get back to the report.

Laters xx

5:49 p.m. - 2005-06-09


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