

Hatty Burpday to meeeee

In other news, I'm now a twenty-something. No longer the now-legal-everywhere 21 year-old, but a proper grown-up. It feels strange. I went to have my hair cut on Friday night, (although it didn't really turn out that much different) then me and Mario went for dinner at the Patio, which was lovely, if a little expensive. The taxi never turned up so we ended up walking, which wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't raining cats and dogs. After dinner we caught another taxi to Heart and Soul and met everyone who had arrived before us. Steve and Karina were there, along with the usual group. It was a fun night; my feet only started hurting in the last hour and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Karina stayed over at our house for the night before going to meet a friend in town for lunch.

I went fencing on Saturday, but Mario was at work again, so I met him on his lunch break when I'd finished. When I got home there was no-one else in so I ended up putting some laundry on and grabbing a bite to eat, before going to meet Mario at asda. We cooked chilli, and I finally sat down to open my presents at about 8 o clock in the evening. I had some nice stuff: a book of tapas recipes; a fairtrade necklace; chocolates; a lovely handmade bracelet; a top; perfume; Scrubs DVDs; a replica Sting, which is actually really sharp; some flowers; roses from Mario; a Moodbeam; lots of books (yay! new stuff to read!); a few CDs; some revision books; and Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal, which I started reading to Mario that night and felt about seven years old again, sounding out the new words.

We made pancakes and scrambled eggs for breakfast on Sunday, then Mario went to work again whilst I did some tidying and ironing and waited for Mum and Dad. They brought the presents from family, along with some kitchen stuff, some plants, the spare christmas tree and the Dyson, which promptly made funny noises and gave off a smell of burning rubber when Dad tried to do some vacuuming. Ah well. We went down to the hotel they'd made reservations for, only to find out that no reservation had come through and they didn't even do the tariff which had been quoted on the website (don't book through visitliverpool dotcom - they took a deposit and lost the reservation!) so Mum and Dad ended up going down and checking into a different hotel by the docks, which had a much more reasonable rate anyway. We picked up Mario from work and went back to our house for cake and unwrapping, before getting changed and going out for dinner at ha!ha! at Albert Dock. It was good, although they'd run out of the one thing Mum had seen on the menu and really wanted, which was a bit disappointing. We got a taxi back home and Mum and Dad left this morning. I kind of wish they'd been able to stay a bit longer but Dad has to go to work tonight so they had to go home so he could get some rest.

Now I'm just trying to finish some work before I can go home, before going out to Cressy, and dammit, I still haven't done my lesson plan...

2:23 p.m. - 2006-11-13


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