

Tourny, cakey, forum

Aww, so close. I thought we were going to beat the 'most users ever online at one point' total on the forum (a grand total of nine...). We equalled it, then someone signed out. Grr.

I did something today I've not done in a while - fell asleep in my lecture. Not for a great length of time, but I kept realising I was hearing things that weren't at all related to the topic, and noticed that I'd been nodding off. I thought I was going to go a whole term without that, dammit. Today was just some very dry lectures. Tomorrow is clinical neurology teaching, which is much more interesting, but yet again I'm missing the BUSA matches. I really hate being one of the minority who have classes on a Wednesday afternoon. And I hate it that our schedule is so different to the rest of the uni's. The AU ball is in the middle of my Easter break! Gah!

Yay! We beat the previous total! Liverpool fencers rule!

This is the problem I run into if I try and update every day (see? I'm trying to make the effort) - I run out of things to say. I don't know if I'll be able to update over the weekend as it's the Nottingham Open, but then again, I'll be at home home, where the internet is free and available all day long... Provided my lil bro isn't on it that is. Ah, the NOFT... First time I realised I was actually decent at the whole fencing thing, surprising everyone and finishing something like 13th. I bought my own epee not long after. Looks like we'll have a pretty rag-tag bunch going this weekend; Mario, Kev and Tanya will be staying with me, Kate will go with Matt (but is very generously giving us all a lift), Rooban and Ben, I don't know where they're staying, Adam is going down Saturday morning, don't think Henry's going this year, Susan has dissertation stuff to finish and Mike's away. I don't know about any of the newbies. Looks like we'll have a big delegation going to Glasgow though. About ten people have confirmed they're going so it should be heaps of fun, not to mention miles cheaper than last year! The only problem now is making sure we can hire the minibus and getting everyone accommodated...

Will be off shortly, tis practice tonight then everyone is going to Tanya's for pancakes. Looks like we'll be trying out some new flavours... Apple and Bacon anyone?

4:27 p.m. - 2006-02-28


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