

But I don't know what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs....

I really shouldn't leave it so long between entries. This term has been a bit hectic for me though, being on placements and stuff. When I finally get around to going to the library I never seem to have enough time to update. But I'm here now. (And the library is now open 24 hours!) Plus, I have my first night shift on my Obs and Gynae rotation tomorrow night so I'm staying up late-ish tonight so I can sleep a bit longer tomorrow then hopefully be able to stay awake over at the labour ward. I am looking forward to it immensely - watching a birth is something I've wanted to do since the special study module at the beginning of this year, and it gives me a legitimate reason to stay in bed all day!

But asides from that. I turned 21 on Friday! And I have to say it was definitely one of the best birthdays I've had. I had to get up rather earlier than I would have liked for a hospital thing (but I got a free coffee maker from a drug rep so was quite happy), so I opened a couple of presents in bed before I left. In the afternoon I went and bought some fresh coffee for my new coffee maker, popped home to drop off some stuff (and opened more presents!) then came back to uni to get ready to go out to dinner. I had a lush pud bath, which left lovely ring marks but didn't smell as strongly as I was expecting. Tsk tsk lush! Then Mario and I caught a cab down into the city as he was treating me to dinner. We went to The Monroe on Duke Street, started sharing a warm goat's cheese salad and marinated olives, then I had grilled red snapper and Mario had the ostrich steak. I tried a bit - it was a little strange, not quite birdy, not quite meaty - but quite nice. I felt absolutely stuffed but managed to squeeze in some ice cream at the end. After dinner we went to meet everyone in the Gilmour, then headed down to Heart and Soul for the latin night, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I ended up dancing with Mario for almost three hours, whilst Karina and Lucy Shimmied with the regulars, Mike and Del got up for a couple of numbers, and Susan, Chris and Heather huddled together looking slightly shy. My feet were killing me the next day. I haven't worn heels since the AU dinner...

We slept in quite late on Saturday and ended up skipping fencing. Instead we had a leisurely brunch of waffles with maple syrup, and scrambled eggs with cheese, then Mum arrived at about 2:15 to take us back to Nottingham. Dad had made food and the house filled up really quickly, although Em and Kate showed up as usual about 2 hours after everyone else. I was also chuffed that Mr Heaton (who I will never get used to calling by his first name...) - my German teacher and form tutor from secondary school and sixth form - turned up and stayed for a good couple of hours. It sounds horribly teacher's pet-ish but it was so good to see him again, and he got on pretty well with everyone else there. His daughter looked a bit daunted though. Dad's guitar stayed quiet for most of the night, and at midnight we gave Dag his card and present. Most people had left by about half one, so we went to bed not long after. On sunday Mario and I just pottered around the house for a bit until it was time to go get the train, which we nearly missed and was ridiculously packed. We stood up for about an hour but then managed to snitch some seats in first class (no one was checking...) and we went through some of the Spanish homework Mario had given me. Reading is getting easier, I just need to get used to how the language sounds. If I keep going the way I am now though I'll be alright when I get to Panama in June. I need to start writing my letters soon though. And do my Critical Thinking module thing. Bleh.

Anyway, I think I've rambled far too long, so I'll leave this here and try not to leave it so long before I update next time.

Hasta luego!

9:34 p.m. - 2005-11-14


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