

Happy New Year 2006!

My brother is stealing my friends again. I have to admit, I didn't make much of an effort over christmas, which I do feel guilty for. But it still annoys me that he gets to go out with Em and Kate yet I hardly ever see them. Ah well. They mentioned coming to Liverpool at some point but I doubt it will happen - they're always too busy with coursework or exams, or I'm unavailable. It just never works out right.

Anyway. I didn't mean to start this entry feeling mildly sorry for myself. Term has already started for me over here and I had my first lecture this morning, which was ok. There was a bit of confusion over timetables and I ended up dragging myself out of bed at 6:15 for an 8:00am start that didn't actually happen. I was a little miffed but at least it had got me up so I didn't spend the whole day being lazy, which had kind of become a pattern after New Year's eve. We, that being Mario and I, spent new year at Mike's with Andy and Chris. Mike did a very nice meal, and Mario made his tres leches cake and egg nog, which ended up more like alcoholic custard (we added a bit too much cornflour...) but still tasted good. We stayed there until about 2am, then went back to Mario's and slept until one in the afternoon, and it almost turned into a pattern. Or would have, were I not saved by thinking I needed to be up at the ass-crack of dawn on Tuesday.

Uni is kind of annoying at the moment. I've got this stupid CTM draft to do and I have no idea what I'm doing. I sent in my abstract thinking it would be ok and I could just waffle on about kids and nosebleeds and it would be fine, but then my convener has to go and tell me that my study idea is a pile of crap and I need to re-think it. This is supposed to be a simulation of a research grant request. Which would be fine, except I haven't got the slightest idea what I'm interested in yet and no idea what I'd like to find out more about! I ended up getting my idea from so I haven't a clue what to put when they ask for why I think it's an important research question... And it's due in next friday. Bah... I could just change the whole thing but if I did I'd have to do a whole new literature search and re-submit my abstract... The CTM sucks, med school! Do you hear me?!

I should be picking up my package tomorrow, after unsuccessfully ringing five times to have the damn thing delivered. Just means I need to be up early. And the CD that I ordered from amazon (�4 cheaper than, tee hee) should have been dispatched today. It's coming from america though so I don't know how long it will take to arrive.

I've kind of lost the drive I had to finish this entry, so I'm going to leave it here and try and sort out this flippin report.

Laters all xxx

11:52 a.m. - 2006-01-04


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