

Embrace your ignorance!

I've kind of finished the first draft of my full proposal. I just need the sample size calculation now, and need to make it fit somehow into 13 words... I'll just have to shuffle some more stuff round when I get the calculation thingy. I purposely left some things ambiguous so I have something to change when I come to write the final draft. I also need to change my abstract. I used 'some' far too many times in that block of writing...

It feels better to have that out the way, but now means I can concentrate on the work I haven't done for my PBL session this afternoon. I don't think anyone will have done much though, and I'm intending to get it finished over the weekend while Mario is busy doing his essay/thesis chapter thing. It's good to see him get back some motivation for his PhD. I feel bad for him when the money worry side of everything means he can't concentrate properly on his studies - the main reason he's here. It seems like working to earn enough money to get by overshadows the importance of his degree... I don't know. I just wish money wasn't such an issue so he could get on with his degree and start to enjoy it again.

I had a dream that Ruth and Oish moved out of the house and left me on my own with all the bills, and they went to live in this three-floor five-bedroomed house. The landlord's office sent me a message the other day asking if I wanted to stay in the house next year. Ah, that made me laugh. Been looking at some on t'internet, on the Liv uni student housing site. There are some which look quite good on paper, but we'd have to check them out first. I spend far too much time thinking about what I want to do with the house next year. I'd like to move the wardrobe or drawers from one of the rooms we're not using into the one Mario and I will have, and move the desk out, to make a kind of study where I won't have the option to just have a quick nap while I'm working.. Ok I could still go into the bedroom but at least then it would be a room away. That's the plan anyway. I want to put all my course books in the 'study room' as well and keep uni work out of my sleeping space for a change. It would be nice to have a dining room this time but I don't really mind if we don't.

The CD that I ordered over the internet arrived yesterday and it went straight over to minidisc. Mario laughed, the genre is completely different to most of the stuff I listen to and he views it with a little derision but I like it. He told me I was getting myself all cultured up before we go to Panama in June. (It's reggaeton by the way, kind of latin hiphop with a reggae beat.. you might have heard the track gasolina.)

We made quiche on Sunday, all of it from scratch, I was quite pleased with the way it turned out, although it was a little bit dry. It brought back floods of memories I'd almost forgotten about helping Mamma make lemon curd tarts before dinner on Sundays, and how I'd use the leftover pastry to make a little pasty.. Did that too, with some mincemeat Mario had bought before Christmas. We made chilli last night, and will pobably be eating it for the rest of the week...

Anyway, I have to go to PBL and demonstrate my complete lack of knowledge...


1:57 p.m. - 2006-01-11


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